All the sewage and waste water at Lough Mardal Lodge is processed through a reed bed and wetland filtration system. This system creates a natural biological filter rather than a chemical treatment. It is a relatively zero energy input, low-tech, high-efficiency system that can be used to help protect streams, rivers and lakes from almost any source of effluent or dirty water.
There are various types - in ours, reeds and other wetland plant species were planted in a gravel and sand bed. Waste matter is piped down to the reed bed. The aquatic plants allow naturally occuring bacteria, fungi and algae to digest the organic matter in the effluent which percolates through the layers of sand, gravel and plant roots. From here it then passes into a wetland pond filled with wetland plants; reeds, rushes and sedges, offering an additional and final filtration - the pond also offers greater penetration of UV light for extra die-off of pathogens. By the end of the process the waste matter is clean enough to discharge back into the natural environment, adding to the overall biodiversity and ecohydrology of the land whilst saving energy.
With one less business and family dependent on municipal and domestic sewage systems it helps to preserve the habitat integrity of our rivers, lakes and coastal waters. Minimising our impact on the environment is a core principle of our broader Sustainability Strategy.