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Eco travel tips, glamping Ireland


Lough Mardal Lodge is working its way towards eco certification as recognised internationally by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.  But we can't do it alone. 

Top of the list is reducing unnecessary energy & water consumption and general waste.

You can read about the measures we are taking in our Sustainability Strategy.

The following are small measures you can make during your stay which would really make a difference;

  • Be mindful not to bring too much food (which often leads to waste). Instead we recommend bringing essentials only and then shop locally as you determine your actual needs once here. There is an Aldi, Lidl & Supervalu in Donegal Town, 15-20 minutes away.

  • Consider leaving packaging in the store if that's an option (pushing the burden of waste back onto the supermarket and suppliers). 

  • Try not to bring any single-use plastics if you can help it. We realise this is tricky since so many staples (bread, pasta, rice, cheese, etc) come in plastic but perhaps you have a local health food shop or farmer's market that use non-plastic packaging or you can shop locally here at Simple Simon in Donegal Town where they sell rice and pasta in paper bags.

  • No need for plastic bottles of water. A glass bottle is provided which you can refill with the clean and pure well water which runs from the cold taps in the kitchen

  • Down with disposables! There is no need for disposable plates, cups, cutlery, baking trays, wipes, bbqs, anything! Everything you need should already be in the Lodge (and if not please tell us!)

  • Re-use the same water for your hot water bottles every night

  • Use the minimum amount of water necessary when cooking or re-use boiled water

  • Use the minimum amount of water necessary when using the kettle 

  • Avoid filling up the sink with too much water if there's only a small bit of washing-up to do

  • Use the dishwasher only for full loads and select the 'eco' cycle

  • Take a shorter shower (it can save up to 10 ltrs of water per minute!)

  • Turn off the tap in between brushing teeth or shaving

  • Turn off the tap in between washing vegetables

  • Separate all waste in the kitchen bins which are well labelled - remember ALL food waste (cooked and uncooked) can go in the compost bin

  • Use reusable bags when shopping for supplies

  • Instead of jumping in the car for the day consider going for a walk on the 90 acres around Lough Mardal, it can be as gentle or as bracing as is your mood. Breathe in the fresh, say hi to the cows and enjoy some beautiful views from the top of the hill.

Every little bit counts!

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